Frederico Bernardino
Frederico Bernardino is the CEO of Secose.
He has about forty years of professional experience, with particular emphasis on the insurance sector where, through various leadership roles, he has left an unmistakable mark of his vision and approach.
Determined to make Secose an independent broker through a position of leadership and attentive to the interests of customers, Frederico, in addition to favouring original and competitive solutions in face of the more conventional proposals of the local market, also maintains a closeness with his customers that is reflected in his long-standing relationship with them.
His constant search for original and innovative proposals developed through his network of international contacts established over the years, has resulted in the use of coverage models different from the offer of the Portuguese market, and also a strategic focus on niche markets. This fulfills the ambition to achieve leadership positions in different areas, such as Professional Liability, Art Insurance, and the management of Affinity Group policies.
In addition to being responsible for strategic management, Frederico also participates in Secose's commercial activity.